Psychological Assessment
What is psychological assessment?
Psychological assessment is an in-depth documentation of psychopathological symptomatology and neurobiological process examination, exploration of the underlying problems using a standard scale (tool) concerning the mental, emotional and physical health: behaviour, personality, cognition, intelligence, creativity etc.
Psychological assessment are a means to assess the behaviour, understand the experience and explore the mental process through psychological tests (questionnaire / survey/ equipment), observation, review of case history and medico-legal documents.

It is to know more about the personality, achievement, ability and neurological functioning etc. like:
Detection of Specific Behaviour
Psychological Diagnosis
Tools in Academic Placements
Screening Job Candidates
Individual Differences

To Promote Self-awareness and Understanding
Psychometrics/Career Assessment Tests
Organizational Development
Psychologist(s) credentials:
- Masters and above in Psychology
- Specialization in counselling and psychometric assessment
- Specialization in therapy
- With 5+ years of experience in the field of mental helath.
- Member to international bodies like BPS, IAAP, EAWOP, APA etc
- BPS : British Psychological Society
- IAAP : International Association of Applied Psychology
- APA : American Psychological Association
- EAWOP : European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
At Skill Central we undertake psychological assessment for
Individuals Groups Organization/Firm, Working professionals, Home makers, Patients, Inmates, Business (wo)men, Legal battle, Educators and students,Other stake holders like bureaucrats etc.
Problems/ concerns
Legal, Medio-legal, Career counselling, Immigration, Mental health assessment, Mental capacity.
Service in
Legal battle work appraisals, Mental health assessment, students’ career – campus to career sales and marketing, employee work management, Industries & Factories – Dexterity (finger and hand) etc.
Hospitals, Legal firms/ Solicitors, NGO/NPO, IT industry : MNCs, BPOs, Media Houses, Factory/Manufacturers, Educational Institutions/ Universities, Recruitment Behavioral research, Social/ethnic/cultural research.
Goal of psychological assessment
To better understand the personality, emotions, cognition, strengths, weaknesses besides neurosis symptomatology, psychosis symptomatology based on the questionnaire, family/health/work record (medical/non-medical) evaluation, observation and make
recommendation for treatment/ therapy/ remediation.
Duration of a psychological assessment
There is no set duration for a psychological assessment. Generally, it may take a session or
two but may extend to several hours/sessions/visits to complete an in-depth.
Psychological tests and assessments are different but are very closely related, are used as a tool to arrive at a diagnosis and helps in treatment and therapy plan.
Psychological Test : are also described as ‘norm-referenced’ tests, which includes standardized formal tests like questionnaire and checklists, mostly effective in
measuring a particular trait or disorder or psychological anomaly.
Psychological assessment : are a comprehensive detailed report comprising of the norm-referenced psychological tests, evaluation of medical and non-medical records, observation data, informal survey and referrals through information gathered or reviewed during the interview/session/assessment, with careful consideration of the client’s mental status to employ both open-ended and/or closed-ended questions that will help in eliciting relevant response in the client : to clue to the normal or deviant functioning in their life (socio-cultural-organizational).
All psychological tests require an individual to per- form a behavior. The behavior performed is used to measure some personal attribute, trait, or characteristic. This personal attribute, trait, or characteristic is thought to be important in describing or understanding behaviour.